Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Tomorrow is my birthday. Today is my BirthYesterday. It's confusing I Know. This is a very quick post but I will Post more tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Just one quick question..........

Does anybody else feel like this?
              Welcome to a Wyoming April!!!
                     I am sick, there is snow on the ground, and I am freezing!

P.S In honor of Spring I changed by Blog. If you can't see, tell me!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Birthday Wish List

My Birthday is coming Up! Only 29 days and 22 hours till my birthday! I'll make another list so I can tell you what I want. I'll show you what they look like at the end of the post.
  • An I-Pad smart cover.Either a lime green one, or a pink, blue, or orange one.
  • A LONGGGG scarf. Preferably a pink, blue, or green one I absolutely LLLOOOVVEEEE the one I Have now. (Thanks Hanna:)
  • Bed Rest Pillow, From the company store. Also want a cover for it.
  • Some skull candy headphones. The one I  like are called GI Gridlock
  • Clothes! Clothes, Clothes, Clothes !
That is about it. Please email me if you have any questions *wink wink* ;)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I have been SOOOOOO busy these past couple weeks. Where should I start? I'll start by making a list. ( Lists are VERY useful if you don't want to write ( Or type :) ) a HUGE Post.)
  • Soccer Tryouts
  • A Cello concert
  • A Choir Concert
  • Cast off! :))))))
  • Making the Book Battle team
  • Paws:(((((((( ( BLECH)
  • And of course my annoying Wonderful, Sweet, and adorable siblings driving me crazy!
So I have felt like screaming lately. But school is the absolute worst. My Language Arts Grade is now a B- :(
And my teacher put me in the back were I can't See! So my grades are dropping and I can't focuse! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! (Now you can see the meaning of my Title)


Friday, February 4, 2011

About Me

If you are wondering a little bit about me I thought I'd post some pictures. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Feburary!

Happy Feburary! I hope you guys have a great one today. My day is going pretty well. I just got my cast today. Tie-die rules!!! ;))))). I'll try to post pics. later.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Welcome to my blog

Hi my name is Anya and I live in Wyoming. I like to do a little bit of everything, so that's were the inspiration for the name of my blog comes in. But just in case you're yawning your head off I'll tell you ten things you didn't know about me.

1. I so super heart taking pictures especially of nature. But I learn from the best. My aunt Kami.

2. I also love soccer I play on a traveling team in my hometown. But soon I can play in my new middle school. A new law!

3. I'm in 6th grade.

4. I also like figure skating. I was pretty good but I had to drop out this winter. See why at #6

5. I have 5 other siblings. 1 older brother, 2 younger brothers, and 2 younger sisters.

6. I have 2 adoptive little sisters from China. 1 of them was adopted in December. You can see more at

7. I play the cello in my school orchestra. But right now I can't play. See #10.

8. I  like to travel the world. Especially Switzerland since I'm 65% swiss. But my dream destination is New York.

9.I love to skii but I can't right now. See #10 also.

 Last but least is number 10. I broke my thumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it hurts like crazy!!!!!!!!!! It's in a splint right now but I have to get a cast on Tuesday.

                                                                  Ciao for now